UK Amateur Orchestras


NEW - entries since 1 Jan 2024

NEW - entries since 1 Jan 2025

Full Orchestras

String Orchestras

Brass Bands

Concert Bands (brass and wind)



Conductor /
Rehearsal Venue / Times
Ian Warnes
Tuesday 7.30, Brampton Community Centre
 Ian Warnes
We have been going for about 4 years - we have 40 members with most orchestral instruments represented. Players of about grade 6 and over are welcome to our friendly ensemble - especially string players! We perform fairly often for charities and at the Lanercost Festival
Student from The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Glasgow
Katherine Bowness / Robert Charlesworth
Tuesdays in term time 7 – 9 pm in the Trinity School hall, Carlisle.
 Pam Harris 07833 3150042
Under our conductor (currently, a different student every term from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland), the orchestra provides an opportunity for regular rehearsals of the symphony repertoire for amateur and professional players. There is also the great experience of playing three concerts a year. Players should be a minimum of Grade 7 standard and membership covers all ages, ranging from teenagers to the retired. Membership for students in full-time education is free.
Peter Wood
Whoever arrives first
Dalston: Dalston Victory Hall, CA5 7QB.
 Lorna Wright 07534 675 820
The Cobweb Orchestra is a multi-award winning network of nine local orchestras across the North of England. Each group welcomes, encourages and supports all players of all instruments and all abilities, always seeking to be inclusive. For more detailed information on events, venues, times and dates of rehearsals visit
Roland Fudge
Whoever arrives first
Tebay: Tebay Methodist Church Hall, CA10 3XG.
 Lorna Wright 07534 675 820
The Cobweb Orchestra is a multi-award winning network of nine local orchestras across the North of England. Each group welcomes, encourages and supports all players of all instruments and all abilities, always seeking to be inclusive. For more detailed information on events, venues, times and dates of rehearsals visit
Sarah Kekus
Jenny Jennings
Wednesdays 7-9pm for 10 weeks in the Autumn & Spring Terms. At St. Joseph’s Church Hall, Crown St, Cockermouth.
 Jenny Jennings
We are an informal string group who come together to play a variety of mainly classical music, purely for pleasure in a stress-free environment. If you haven’t played for a while or want to boost your confidence, this is the perfect group for you! New members will be made very welcome!
Richard Bagnall
The Muse, Dowdales School, Dalton-in-Furness, LA15 8AH, Saturdays in term time. Chamber Groups at 9:00am, Orchestra at 10:30am
 0741 334 9352
An all-age, all-ability amateur orchestra and choir, led by professional tutors, performing at least three concerts a year in the Furness area. We play a wide range of music from classical to shows to pop, Registered Charity No 1112934.
Maurice Powell
Tom Field
Wednesdays 7.30pm St Johns School, (term times)
 Janet Warburton
Experienced amateur or professional instrumental players are always welcome to come and play with us. Please contact us via the website or email via the link.
Paul Dunderdale
Every Thursday during school term time
 Joanna Drysdale
Helen Robertson
Monday evenings from 7.30-9.30 p.m. at Burneside Cricket Club, Burneside, Kendal
We are a friendly community band for players of brass, woodwind and percussion instruments, with an experienced professional conductor. We play a wide range of music and rehearse weekly to prepare for six concerts a year. New members are always very welcome - just come down to meet us one Monday or get in touch with Laura, our secretary, for a chat.
Kendal String Orchestra
Louise Latham
Approx every three months for a study day
 Sue Armstrong
We are a friendly group and welcome experienced orchestral players who want to enjoy the rich strings repertoire under expert guidance.
Peter Crompton / Roland Fudge
Sue Armstrong
Thursday evenings during term time from 7.15 until 9.15 at St Andrew's Parish Church in the middle of Sedberg
 Shirley Smith
The orchestra was established in October 2010. We are a community orchestra, but welcome others within striking distance and our regular members make up a well balanced 'classical' orchestra. Ages at present range from sixteen to retirement age and well beyond. We are usually able to entice friendly trombone players and others to join us to play bigger works. We give three concerts a year, the summer concert taking place during the biennial Sedbergh Music Festival. We would particularly welcome more regular violinists.
Amanda Denley
2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Location Samlesbury War Memorial Hall, Cuerdale Ln, Walton-le-Dale, Samlesbury, Preston PR5 0UY
 via website contact form
A friendly string orchestra for all ages from grade 5/6 upwards to play from the string repertoire honing technique to achieve that 'pure string sound'. Members range from diploma standard and have extensive experience in playing in orchestras. You are assured of a warm welcome.
Peter Wood
Isobel Fenton
Three rehearsals on Sundays before each concert, mostly in Gosforth Village Hall
 Jenny Jennings
An amateur orchestra supported by professional musicians with guest soloists, performing a varied programme of music in three concerts a year in Cockermouth. New players are always welcome!”
Simon Yeo
Every Tuesday during term time 7.30pm - 9.15pm. Whitehaven School
 Cindy Murray
This is an active group for those playing brass, woodwind, bass and percussion instruments and who can read music fluently. We play a wide range of music and are open to young people as well as adults (those young at heart!). The Windband is run by an experienced, professional tutor and having fun is at the is at the heart of rehearsals! There is also the chance to play in at least five concerts a year.
Melvin Tay
Pam Redman
7.15 pm on Wednesdays at Castle Street Community Centre, Kendal LA9 7AD
 Joanne Crossley
Formed in 1945 we are a basically amateur orchestra of 50+ members rehearsing weekly from September to May and giving 3 concerts a year of works from the full orchestral repertoire. Frequent vacancies for upper strings. Preferential Patrons' Scheme. Registered Charity.
Fredrik Holm
Young person
Castle Street Centre on Castle Street, Kendal on Friday nights at 7pm during term time
We play three public concerts a year and have about 60 members, and are always keen to enrol new young members aged between 11 and 19. We also run a selection of Feeder groups to provide ensemble opportunity and specific training for younger players.
Richard Bagnall
Kathleen Ralph
Carver Church Hall, Lake Road, Windermere, Cumbria LA23 2BY 7.30pm till 9.30pm Thursday Nights
 Arthur Baldry 01539 533829
The orchestra was formed over 20 years ago. We are a small instrumentally well balanced friendly group of players that play for our own pleasure and don't give public performances . Our wide range of music is popular classical. Players Grade 4 and above are very welcome to fill any vacancies.

If you have any information you'd like to appear here about a non-professional orchestra you conduct, play in or know of, let me know: ku.gro.sartsehcroruetama@ffoeg
(You won't be able to cut and paste this address from here directly, you'll need to type it in to your favourite email program)

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